Refund and Returns
If you change your mind about your purchase we are happy to offer you an exchange or full refund, provided that the item(s) are returned to us, unused and with the original packaging within 30 days of purchase. Please email to process your refund request.
Please note that delivery costs of returned items will need to be covered by you. We recommend using a registered and recorded delivery service so that you have proof of dispatch in case the item(s) are lost.
When returning an item(s) it is your responsibility until they reach us and we cannot accept responsibility for lost or damaged goods in transit.
All items must be must be unused and in the same condition that you received them. It must also be in the original packaging.
To start a return please contact us at, we will require proof of purchase with your name and order number to be included within the returned package.
Once your return has been received and approved, your refund will be processed and a credit will automatically be applied to your credit card or original method of payment. Payments can sometimes take several days to appear back in your original payment account.
If you haven’t received a refund after 15 business days since we approved your return, first check your bank account again. Please contact your credit card provider, bank or payment processor.
If your refund still has not been received please contact us at the following email address
Unfortunately, we cannot accept returns on sale items or gift cards.
We only replace items if they are defective or damaged. If you need to exchange it for the same item, send us an email at